Thursday, February 7, 2013

I've seen Him

Twice now, over  the course of three weeks. I've been having memory loss as well.  Entire hours of my life, even a full day at one point, are missing from my life.  Whenever I come back to conciousness, though, I have a blinding migraine.  But I'm used to these, I've been getting them for nearly four years now.  No biggy.  Except the fact that this could have been going on for longer.  But I just saw him recently, and I can remember it.  Bits of it anyways.

I live in East Texas, which is pretty heavily forested.  Seeing as I also live in an apartment complex, I also have the joy of walking the dogs each morning and night.  Ten PM and six AM, to be specific.

But the first time I saw him, to my memory, he was in the trees.  It was in the morning, so I wasn't fully awake.  And seeing as this was the morning after I stayed up until two in the morning reading M's blog, I honestly didn't think much of it.  I have a habit of dreaming stuff and thinking it's real.  But I saw him, and my dogs (two of them.  A mutt named Sable and a yorkie named Chewbacca.  Don't judge me.  The damn yorkie is my dad's.) went ballistic.  They started whining and pulling me towards the house.  I've never seen them so scared.  But I ignored them and stepped right up to the fence, as close as I could get to where he was.  All I remember after that is falling to the ground, coughing.

I woke up in my room the next day with a migraine and no memory of the day before aside from that.  I went to school, apparently.  My parents didn't remember anything off about me.  But I have no fucking idea what happened.

I have a migraine right now.  I can't remember anything from this morning.

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